Parliamentary speeches

Seniors Forum and Morning Tea

November 26, 2018

Like most of us, I'm very fortunate to have very active seniors groups in the Scullin electorate. On Thursday I brought a number of them together in a seniors forum. This is something I've been doing regularly so that I can get the benefit of their wisdom and share some learnings. Unfortunately, for those present, I also shared my incompetence at linedancing, which I don't propose to make a regular contribution to at any gathering. I'm particularly appreciative of the contribution of the two keynote speakers at this event, both of whom dealt very effectively with important issues. I thank Belinda Nixon from Dementia Australia for an important and effective contribution that engaged all and also Jeff Ryan from the Stroke Foundation, who gave a range of practical tips based on his own personal experience.

It was a pleasure to be there with so many other community organisations. I acknowledge in particular the Whittlesea U3A not just for their linedancing and choir but the spirit of community that they bring with them always and their contribution to building a more inclusive society for older residents in the city of Whittlesea. They were there alongside Victoria Police, Yarra Valley Water, the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Centrelink, the Continence Foundation, the Heart Foundation and DPV Health. This event brought together the community, with more than 250 citizens present on Thursday.